P2 10W

Engraving Parameters

Material Line Interval Speed(mm/min) Power(%) NOTE
Basswood 0.09mm 8000 100
Leather 0.09mm 20000 80
Kraft paper 0.09mm 15000 85
MDF 0.09mm 15000 85
Stainless steel 0.08mm 800 100 It is recommended to choose a thicker stainless steel.
Anodizedaluminum 0.08mm 6000 100
Glass 0.09mm 10000 100 Engraving is done after the material is blackened or
color paper is applied to the surface.
Ceramic 0.09mm 10000 100 The engraving is done after the color paper is applied
to the surface of the material.
Acrylic 0.09mm 20000 100
Cutting Parameters
Material Thickness Power(%) Speed(mm/min) Pass NOTE
Basswood 4mm 100 200 1
Basswood 6mm 100 120 1
Basswood 8mm 100 150 2
Basswood 10mm 100 150 8 Please lower the focal length by 2-3mm
Cork Wood 10mm 100 100 2
Leather 1mm 100 1500 1
Kraft paper 1mm 100 1500 1
MDF 2mm 100 200 1
MDF 3mm 100 180 2
Acrylic 2mm 100 150 1 Must be black nontransparent acrylic to be cut.
Acrylic 4mm 100 150 2 Must be black nontransparent acrylic to be cut.